Articles and Interviews

English patriotism with Paul Rimmer

Paul Rimmer’s Youtube Channel –

ALEX: My name is Alexander, and I want to welcome Paul Rimmer on my channel: First Alliance Media Project, where we promote patriotism, ethnic nationalism, traditional family values, and connection amongst communities and people.  Welcome to the channel Paul, please tell us a bit about yourself.

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article by Mel Ve |
Before giving a long background context, I am going to jump right into this point of this article by starting with the following question…

Why should I apologize for my “white privilege”?

As a white South African living in exile, let me share with you what supposed “white privilege” has meant for me…

White Privilege has meant growing up in a country where we are hated and constantly blamed for everything that goes wrong in the world.



Article by Mel Ve | The unifying power behind First Alliance News, being the contributors who are able to facilitate this narrative space, was the love of culture, and the preservation thereof in a world where a Globalist identity is usurping our formative experiences with totalitarian measures designed to socially engineer us into a unified, obedient Globalist cult.

Some would argue, that to hang on to past nostalgia, may limit progress, but it is in the preservation and thus memory of who we are and where we have come from, that provides the psychological soil upon which to build the direction of the future, and what direction will that be?  One rooted in devastation and destruction?  Or perhaps we can do better, if we know better.

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Article by Mel Ve | One of the causes that First Alliance News is greatly supportive of, is the recognition of the First Nations and protection of their cultural heritage, in accordance with their own specific cultural traditions.

My book The Greatest Discovery

It is with great honour that I have recently been appointed as the International Advisor to the Greater Aboriginal Community Council of South Africa (GACCSA), having previously served as the International Media Advisor to the Royal House of the Khoisan Nation.  My role is to offer council with regards to how the world really works on an international level, to a collective of natives of the land striving for independence.


My documentary Secrets of the Kalahari

The Khoisan are a tribe within the greater Aboriginal community of Southern Africa, a group of people which have been well chronicled in my various bodies of such as my book THE GREATEST DISCOVERY and my documentary film SECRETS OF THE KALAHARI. 


ETHNOGENESIS | An academic study by Mel Ve

Since the dawn of our species, humanity has been seeking the truth about our origins. The pursuit of the truth about our past became an all-consuming obsession for me, but I could never have imagined just what I would find, as it is so totally different from the false facts we are fed by mainstream education and media. 

And thus began my exploration into humanity’s origins, with the aim of understanding the formation of social and cultural groups, from an anthropological perspective.  Relevant sciences do not only observe cultural phenomenon, for indeed, the purpose of authentic and accurate scientific study would be to seek out its cause of said cultural phenomenon, from the perspective of Ethnogenesis.

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OSTEOPATH & ETHICIST – Interview with Maria Clarke DO MA

I was recently given the opportunity to interview Maria Clarke DO(Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine) MA, Osteopath & Ethicist.  This candid discussion about Osteopathy and ancient medical practices, puts into context the Modern Industrial Medical industry, as well as the value of ancient medicines, which are so often these days relegated to the realms of semi-dismissive witchery.

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Marriage in Indian Culture

A quick summary on youtube:

KRISHNA: A main event in the community is a marriage. In India, a wedding is based on the families.  It is basically a wedding between two families, not two people, so that families have to understand each other. They should be the same caste, so that they understand what is expected, what other people expecting… There are a lot of things, financially, mentally.  It is not just religion.  In India, we have religion, we have caste birth, we have sub-castes.  There are so many sections of people, completely different sections.  So if people are from one system, they look after the boys and girls in the same system.  So for example, I am a Hindu, so if  I look for a girl who fits into the same boundaries, so that it is easy. The families can mingle and the boys and girls can understand each other easily.  Another big thing is, after marriage, if they have any sort of issues between the new couple, the families will jump in and try to sort out.

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USSR – The Times of Confidence and Pride


      Ludmila had been living in the USSR from the 1950s till the year 1993 – the end of the USSR. She talks about the times of security and pride for the country and the people. She remembers a friendly and bright society that had developed during communist times in the USSR/Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (the successor today being the Russian Federation) through the tough times. She talks about hearty and welcoming people and a great state support of most of the aspects of human development. Ludmila lived the first 20 years of her life in a small city in the Ukrainian Soviet Republic (Ukraine nowadays) and is now living in the regional capital of the Russian Soviet Republic (Russian Federation nowadays).

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12 Complementary Health Remedies on a Shoestring Budget

by Mel Ve |

Having run the gauntlet of toxic medicines and vaccinations, and having suffered vaccine injury resulting in complete loss of hearing in my right ear, I am passionate about promoting the usage of complementary remedies.  I use and make many of these remedies for myself, and have distributed them amongst those who are savvy enough to heal themselves, rather than succumbing to the cut, burn and poison industry, which is exactly what mainstream medicine is.  Ask yourself this question: How does it benefit doctors and the pharmaceutical industry to have a healthy population?  The answer, if you are honest about it, is that it does not benefit them at all. Doctors and Big Pharma are in business with disease.  Their aim is not to heal you.  Their aim is to profit from you.

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