This is a list of the work groups that we have in First Alliance which play a major role in bringing the new reality. Please take a look at which of these suits you best. You can become a member of several of these groups.
Communities Group – This is a main group to promote community leaders and provide platform for them to collaborate and learn. The main purpose is to build local communities and cultural centres around personal development, art, self-defence, sports and look after younger generation. Check the article about the protocol for communities to self-organise .
Media Group – The group uses various channels to promote the First Alliance message. One of the goals is to highlight conflict resolution practices within social groups and among individuals. The group exposes evil “divide and conquer” tactiques, highlighting traps and the lies that send people onto the dark path. This group is working to offer a solution and show how people and groups can make peace and unity in challenging times. Check the articles and interviews made so far – Media Group Content.
Influence Group – to influence politics, social organisations, businesses, religions, governments through knowledge sharing and collaboration. Builds a platform for various groups with different or conflicting interests on which they can come together and find a common ground. To help all such hostile groups to find peace and show respect to others. To bring bright people into positions of power and help them to execute justice. We can influence politics by educating people in power, transforming their consciousness; promoting honest, decent people into positions of power; through conversations and local communities statements. We can influence business through collective collaboration and, for example, by collective boycott.
Spiritual Group – for people who continue to learn how this world works: philosophy, science, psychology, sociology, relationships, human potential. For those who can educate others, pass true moral and ethical principles, true history. For those who are capable of healing, mentoring, gathering and sharing wisdom. For those who work with the unseen: spiritual, psychic, psychological and esoteric aspects. Furthermore, it also includes the most difficult part – dealing with evil such as transforming dark consciousness, revoking dark contracts, executing justice, helping individuals to withdraw from parasitic paradigms, relationships and evil social structures. Influencing collective and individual consciousness through various types of energetic work.
Art and Culture Group – This group is for creative people to produce motivational art works in order to encourage human evolution, trigger transformation, and touch people’s souls through books, images, movies, music, songs, poetry, etc…
Rating Agency – to perform assessments of businesses, governmental departments and non-profit organisations. In addition, to conduct evaluation of spiritual teachings, religious practices, books, media products, and art works.
Do you feel inspired? Please Join US.
NOTE: If you are already a part of the existing active project you can partner with us by joining a Partnership Group.
Partnership Group – This group is for those who already take part in active projects which help other people or the environment and want to find volunteers, secure finance, or communicate with similar projects. In addition, this group’s goal is to establish relationships with organisations similar to ours in order to consolidate forces.