This is an interview with Author and Journalist, Melani Ve, who was born in South Africa, and lived there for 23 years before fleeing as an economic refugee. Melani is descended from the Boers, which is the Dutch word for ‘farmer’. The Boers were in turn mainly comprised of Calvinist Protestant Huguenots who fled Europe in the seventeenth century to escape Roman Catholic prosecution after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes.
South Africa is a multicultural country with the present distribution of racial groups being 4% White, 11% Indian and 85% Black.
The following conversation deals with the days of Apartheid, when South Africa was at it’s economic peak, due to the ingenious policy of separate development, which saw the preservation of cultures due to the allocation of Bantustans. The Bantustan system saw the allocation of large tracts of tribal land to the native Africans, which were governed and run by various tribal heads, complete with their own systems of law, education and infrastructure. At this time, the various nationhood states within Southern Africa lived according to their traditions, whilst preserving their own specific cultural heritage.
Melani Ve goes on to discuss various issues regarding race and the cultural collision that happened due to people such as Nelson Mandela and the African National Congress, who have severely damaged the country, which recently has been awarded Junk Status, by the World Bank.
Melani broaches the very controversial subject of single nation states as this environment has been proven to work better for the economy than the forced race mixing that went on under the guise of being “Anti-Apartheid”. It becomes clear through this illustration that the wish to preserve one’s cultural heritage, has nothing to do with being racist, and is economically far more effective than the supposed false liberation achieved by Nelson Mandela.
INTERVIEWER: Hi, Melani, welcome to the first interview with First Alliance. I want to ask you about the story about South Africa and how life was there. Please introduce yourself a bit in this context of the interview, and share what you know about South Africa and life there.
MELANI: Yeah sure, I was born in South Africa 1976 and lived there until I was 23 years old. Growing up there was very interesting because around about the time I got to my teenage years we were going through the whole process of releasing Nelson Mandela from jail and as a young kid, I remember we couldn’t get certain things in South Africa because there was something called Economic Sanctions placed upon our country, but of course at that age we were too young to properly understand the ins and outs of economics and politics. I knew that people were sanctioning us and always knew the word sanction. I didn’t really quite grasp the entire concept until much later in life, but I started to become more aware of things as I grew into my teenage years, and grew in intelligence and became more understanding of the fact that there was supposedly and racial divide between black and white. I was indoctrinated to believe that the whole process of Mandela coming out of jail was a wonderful thing supposedly, and that we were going to create what was called the “Rainbow Nation”, and that black people or white people had to become very tolerant of each other’s cultures and learn to accept each other and not see each other as lesser or different. When I look back now and I see it for what it became, it was a process of forced race mixing. For the first time, when I left high school and went to University, that was the first time I had black friends. I felt at the time that this experience of integration was wonderful. I have lots of black friends to this very day. But what was very noticeable was that you had people from two different worlds being thrown into an educational institution dominated with the mainstream rhetoric, which now I feel very much strips both cultures of their cultural identity, and modernises them into a one mindset of a globalist type culture. I strongly feel that the Liberation Movement in South Africa was really all about stripping people of their cultural identity. I use the term “race mixing” because it was a process of stripping down our individuality, our cultures, our traditions, and it is still going on, and all of this is about creating a globalist identity… Because the way to control society really is to restrict our cultural identity. That’s the one thing that does unite us, you know. I feel very connected to my people of my home country through my cultural identity …
INTERVIEWER: Are there a lot of misconceptions about South Africa?
MELANI: Yes. There are several common misperceptions people have about South Africa. When you talk to people about South Africa, the first thing they will say to you, there are two things they know, that is Nelson Mandela and Apartheid. I just want to clarify what apartheid means. Apart – Heid, means the status of being ‘apart’. That’s simply what it means. Really what Apartheid was all about, was not the control and domination of the black people by the white people but rather the preservation of the black people’s culture. Apartheid was set up by Prime Minister Verwoerd, and he was eventually assassinated. And why was this… Because the Prime Minister Verwoerd wanted to give the black people their own self-governing homelands where they could speak their own language, educate the kids in their own language, and preserve their tribal traditions and their own specific cultural heritage. Dr. Verwoerd, who was the person who started the Bantustan system, which was later renamed as Apartheid, said let us preserve our cultures by a separation the cultures not forcing the white man’s language onto the black people. Let’s give them their own separate, independently run homelands, and let them be apart from us, not dominated by us, and we will respect each other living as neighbours should, by respecting each other’s boundaries while still enjoying each other’s cultures, without feeling suppressed by a dominant culture. That was what the entire premise of Apartheid was based on.
QUOTE: What Apartheid was all about … <is> the preservation of the black people’s culture. Verwoerd wanted to give the black people their own self-governing homelands where they could speak their own language, educate the kids in their own language and preserve their tribal traditions. Dr. Verwoerd, who was the person who started Apartheid, said let us preserve our cultures by a separation the cultures.
INTERVIEWER: Well that sounds really great because it sounds really natural that you want to preserve cultures of the people and if this is what people want to do, then let them do it.
MELANI: It works so well. The problem was it worked too well and South Africa’s economy flourished so much. It did! It worked so well that the South African Government didn’t need any loans from the World Bank, IMF etc, and the international bankers did not like that. So in 1966 Prime Minister Verwoerd was assassinated. And then suddenly, the mainstream media went into overdrive making the Bantustan system, also known as Separate Development, and then Apartheid, seem like a bad thing, saying that if you were “anti-apartheid” than you would pro-liberation for black people. I was too young to remember but I do remember learning as a young kid that apartheid was a very very bad thing because that’s what the media told us. And having now learned the truth, I have come to realise that the word Apartheid was twisted to have a negative connotation, even though it was a very beneficial system. To be opposed to Apartheid was supposedly a positive thing if you are anti-apartheid you were pro-freedom. Of course this was all the propaganda of the day. Now you’ve got to understand that the South African Black Liberation Movement is an absolute joke. The black people of Southern Africa are no more free today than they were under the so called Apartheid regime. The Liberation movement was nothing other than an attempt to get black people registered for voting, but also register to pay taxes.
Nelson Mandela is claimed as being a hero in South Africa. You cannot say a bad thing about him in South Africa without people wanting to kill you. He’s near enough a saint! But what people don’t realise is that this man is a terrorist. He killed people and somehow ended up the president of the country. He went to jail because he was a murderer. He was a Communist, part of the Communist Party, and a terrorist responsible for a number of bombings, even in a church, killing many innocent civilians. At the time he went to jail, the American government backed his jailing because at that time America was very anti-communist, and now America won’t even mention it… Americans, they don’t even acknowledge that ever backed the jailing of Nelson Mandela. In fact, the American mainstream media did all they could to propagate the tenants of being Anti-Apartheid.
INTERVIEWER: This is very fascinating, because most people in the world think of Nelson Mandela as this hero, who spent 25 years in jail fighting for the freedom of his people. It is also interesting to hear you say that when you lived there, the economy flourished before when people were living in segregation. But then after that change of Liberation (which was not real Liberation), as I understand it appeared that people had to pay more taxes and their lives were not better, in fact it got worse. You ask any person from South Africa. South Africa was worse after the presence of Nelson Mandela than it was before. So what kind of hero is he really? He sold out his own people.
QUOTE: The economy flourished … when people were living in segregation.
MELANI: It is also important to understand the devastating loss of culture that happens with forced race-mixing. It doesn’t do the white people or the black people any favours because both cultures lose their identity. And both cultures begin to resent the other culture for this process of identity loss, cultural loss, and then the racial hatred sets in. It’s a melting pot of hatred and it’s absolutely orchestrated and coordinated at the highest levels to create conflict different cultures, black, white, muslim, christian. It is all about getting us to turn on each other, and fight amongst ourselves, so that we don’t realise who the real enemy is, and who is behind the scenes orchestrating this entire thing towards a certain agenda.
INTERVIEWER: Yeah, it’s a media campaign. It’s just telling people the opposite. Looks like South Africa was one of the first countries that went through it. Maybe I’m wrong but I think that America is coming after, and Europe is catching up. But South Africa, correct me if I’m wrong, was the first country the mixing of races happened.
MELANI: This is what I’ve been telling people for years… South Africa is the testing ground for global politics. When I first wrote my book I was telling people… When I was interviewed by American talk show host, I would say “what you see happening to me in South Africa will start happening in America”, and they thought I was crazy. They laughed at me, but now it’s happening what we saw happen in South Africa is happening in other countries. South Africa has always been a testing ground for global politics policies.
QUOTE: South Africa is the testing ground for global politics policies. What do you see happening to me in South Africa will start happening in America”.
Mel Ve
INTERVIEWER: That’s very interesting. ‘Testing ground’?.
MELANI: Well, … I mean it’s in such a bad way that people, especially white people are fleeing the country. In all honest truth, there is a genocide going on against white people at the moment and no one in the mainstream media will talk about it. They won’t even admit there’s a genocide going on. But there is. I have spent a great deal of time on air, and through my documentary film “The Last of the Boers”, explaining this genocide to the world, and explaining the hidden forces and the agenda behind this genocide.
INTERVIEWER: Tell us a bit about your journey in figuring out your race, nationality? How did it add up? Self-identification. I mean how did that happen for you?
MELANI: Well that’s a good question and yes, absolutely. At a certain point in your awakening process you do ask yourself “who am I” and “How did I get here”. So my starting point was, okay, so I speak English. Let’s start with Britain. I went and lived in London for 10 years.. I tell you something I didn’t identify with the British culture at all. I went to live in Holland for 10 years because of course Afrikaans language came from Dutch, and I was raised by an Afrikaans speaking family. I tell you my cultural heritage didn’t come from there. I didn’t identify with anything there. The honest truth is that I am a white African! An Afrikaner, descended from the Boer Nation. I don’t identify with my white skin supposed European or British ancestry. My people have been in South Africa for almost 400 years. We became what was known as the Boers Nation, the original white tribe of South Africa. We had our own country, the two Boer State’s within southern Africa. We fought two wars with the British to try and keep them out of our country.
QUOTE: The honest truth is that I am a white African.
Mel Ve
INTERVIEWER: So you said white South African. Would you call your group South African as a group you identify with mostly?
MELANI: … White African…I would actually use the word Boer. … And Boer is simply the Dutch word for ‘farmer’. That’s what they called themselves, the Boers, because they were farmers, white farmers who had a very unique adaptation to the harsh South African landscape. They were one with the land.
INTERVIEWER: So they were farmers, and not military?
MELANI: No not military, just farmers
INTERVIEWER: What about the influence of religion on your culture?
MELANI: Christianity was grounded into us in school and you know everyone can meet you was either Christian or Jewish. There is also an allowance for Hinduism and Islam, because of the Indians. We do have a massive Indian population in my province, being Kwa-Zulu Natal. It has the biggest Indian population outside of India.
INTERVIEWER: What percentage is that?
MELANI: I am not even sure. The point I am trying to make with this is that I grew up in a multi-cultural environment anyway, because here I am a white woman in Zululand, with the Zulus, that’s where Durban is KwaZulu-Natal. The Natal part comes from the Portuguese who named the province on Christmas day, as Natal, is the Portuguese world for Christmas. And on top of that, we also have this massive Indian population. And funny enough, but the Indians don’t want to mix with the whites they keep very much to their own.
INTERVIEWER: Indian people?
MELANI: Yeah, they don’t want to mix with white people per se. They keep to their own. They don’t want to mix with the Black people either. They still carry on their specific cultural ways, which are different to white Africans, and different again to black Africans.
INTERVIEWER: The Indian culture is a very interesting culture by itself.
MELANI: They really just want their own communities and they love their communities. I mean they have got Hindu temples and mosques and massive curry culture. The spicy food culture in Durban is because of this amazing Indian influence. And all that being said I still identify with as being Boer, and now we are a relatively dispossessed nation. However I have a real appreciation for…and this is where it becomes very confusing… I appreciate all cultures, I enjoy Indian food, but I don’t want to be an Indian. I wish to preserve my own cultural heritage. I love going to eat at an Indian restaurant, or even wearing clothes from India. Doesn’t mean I want to be an Indian. I want to enjoy other people’s cultures while still preserving my own cultural identity and my own cultural heritage. I’m not suddenly going to go to India and become a Hindi right. This is the thing, this is the biggest paradox we have in society at the moment is the cross culture collision. How do we as a society preserve our own specific culture, our own traditions, our own cultural heritage, while still being part of the process of globalisation? Because of things like the internet, because of factors such as you can get a Chinese on just about any corner in any country, you know cross cultural foods, imported goods all bring in influences from other cultures. Children these days, the young kids don’t really have much of a cultural identity because let’s face it, in the UK, Chicken Tikka Masala is the national dish, instead of what was historically the national dish, being fish and chips. And that is just one example of the cross cultural collision that we are being swept up in.
INTERVIEWER: So where do we go now? It’s almost impossible to talk about it at your workplace. People fear to say something wrong so they just avoid the subject at all costs.
MELANI: It’s a complicated subject that’s why not everybody has the subtle layers of understanding to be able to communicate about this. Ultimately when it comes down to it, we all just want to be happy. Everyone wants to be happy.
INTERVIEWER: Absolutely,
MELANI: That’s the true Beauty of humanity. Ultimately we all want the same thing. We all want to be happy. We all want to be loved and we would all love to live in abundance. We would all much rather be spending our energy doing things creatively, traveling, painting, you know, building, exercising our minds, rather than submitting to a system.
INTERVIEWER: Shall we talk about races? Because I have a feeling people want to talk about it but they can’t. They don’t know how.
MELANI: Well I think people must get rid of this fear but also must learn respect. I don’t think it’s right to be derogatory to anybody based upon their differences.
INTERVIEWER: In a positive way somehow. And I can see when you talk about yourself, your nation, your race, you are not afraid of it. Like in America where the situation is quite bad. Some people even post some paper sheets on the walls saying “it’s okay to be white”, you know.
MELANI: It is this, but there is another aspect to that. Yes it’s okay to be white and we should be proud, okay, they’re trying to shame us and try to make us feel guilty for our White Privilege. NO! You shouldn’t feel guilty for the colour of our skin we were born that way we didn’t get a choice in how we were made. The people we are inside, the soul, it does not have a colour. Our black or white skinned bodies are merely the carriage, kind of like a vehicle or car that we ride round in. Why should we discriminate against people for the colour of the car they drive? That would be totally stupid. Racism is small minded. Another iteration of that is xenophobia. I mean we see a lot of that nowdays. I mean, we are all foreigners somewhere. I’ve experienced racism or xenophobia my whole life with white people not being welcome in South Africa so I don’t live in the country I was born in. And then when we make a home in a foreign country, we are still foreigners. I have experienced Xenophobia in London and when I was in Holland. They did not have an issue with my skin colour or my race, they had an issue with the fact that I was not a native of their land, and thus I was subject to various missives of varying nature. People are becoming more and more xenophobic and it really is because of this, once again forced race mixing causing a supposed “immigration crisis”. And all of that is part of an agenda to make people become more and more hateful of foreigners. I always say to people, travelling is the best way to learn about life. If you’ve never traveled, I feel sorry for you. What a wonderful experience, and we are all foreigners somewhere, so don’t you know why people feel the need to be xenophobic. I get it in Portugal as I don’t speak through in Portuguese. The Portuguese sometimes you know “you foreigners come here and you try to speak English.” Well hang on a second… The Portuguese once nearly conquered the world. They had colonies throughout Africa and South America. Kwa-Zulu Natal, the province I grew up in, is just below the Mozambique border which was a Portuguese colony. The Portuguese came there and forced the natives to take on their religion and language. The natives of the land, they were forced to speak Portuguese, forced into the Catholic Church etc. And then I say to the Portuguese people you know you went all around the world and you did that to us, but when we come to your country we can’t even speak our language. You know, you want us to speak your language that I’m learning, and I will speak that language when I am comfortable enough to communicate fluently in Portuguese, and I’m still learning… but until I’m ready, I will be speaking English and that’s okay. No Xenophobia required of anybody. We are free to express ourselves in any way we want, so long as it is done with respect. Because really what they want and I keep telling everybody this fact, they want us in conflict with each other. It is the age old strategy of “DIVIDE and CONQUER”. So the more they can get us to hate each other based upon our differences, the more they are winning. The more racism, the more xenophobia, the more they are winning. The more the powers that be, are getting what they want, that is in a divided state, so that they can conquer.
QUOTE: We are all foreigners somewhere.
Mel Ve
INTERVIEWER: We should be somewhere in the middle of this mess.
MELANI: You are right, you are spot on there, that’s a very good point and I keep saying this about South Africa. I’m into freedom but Liberation Nelson Mandela style – no thank you. That is freedom with an agenda, the women’s Liberation Movement, Black Liberation movement, that’s all Liberation or supposed freedom with an agenda with a nasty bite at the end. That’s not freedom really. That’s leading people out of one trap, giving them the illusion that they are free from said trap, but then in leaving on trap, they walk into another trap.
INTERVIEWER: Yes and many are buying into it wholeheartedly because it’s finally here. There’s a respect for other nations and other people that’s good, but this is as you said, there’s a trick at the end. You still need to use your judgment.
MELANI: This is me. I came out of being a teenager, heavily influenced to be tolerant and accepting of my black brothers and sisters in South Africa. And still I’m tolerant of all cultures, I do not dislike people based on their culture .I dislike people based on disrespectful or destructive behaviour. And you know what? All cultures do that.
QUOTE: And still I’m tolerant of all cultures, I do not dislike people based on their culture I dislike people based on disrespectful or destructive behavior. And you know what? All cultures do that.
Mel Ve
INTERVIEWER: White people… so what are they doing now in South Africa? I mean when they lived for a generation or two, how do they define their cultures?
MELANI: That’s not something I can actually give an answer to, as people are reactive based on different experiences. If you have the chance to go to Cape Town and just experience the country for yourself, you will see that it is one of the most beautiful places on Earth because of the diversity of nature, and sadly it’s also in so much trouble. And there’s a lot of really amazing people there, and I mean real characters. I grew up with people with real personalities and good sense of humour, laughing a lot, always having a good time, a vibrant, dynamic culture and that’s not just the white people, that’s a black people too. In fact, all the different cultures, the Cape Coloured, the Indian, they all have a very rich and distinct colourful cultural heritage.
INTERVIEWER: Do you think that many people would like to return to that flourishing era before Nelson Mandela was president? Do people remember those days?
MELANI: I don’t think we can ever go backwards, the world changed too much. What we have to do is end this plague of corruption, and let the country return to an organic state of growth, without corruption, media manipulation and social engineering towards the globalist ideals and agenda.
INTERVIEWER: Do you think it would look better if it was more now, how it was then.
MELANI: Well what I first of all think is, we need to get rid of the corrupt governments. I give you an example of how South Africa could flourish, just if we got rid of the plague of corruption… There’s a country next door to Southern Africa called Botswana, and they are running amazingly well. Their government is always on budget. If they have 10 million government spending budget, they spend 9,9 million. They do not go borrowing from international banks for arms deals and that kind of thing. they are an example to us all, because there are no corrupt politicians putting money in their pockets. South Africa makes enough money to cover all the expenses of running the cost of the country. It is a country that is vastly wealthy in natural and mineral resources… And yet, the infrastructure of the country is falling apart because the people running the country are stealing the money and doing dodgy deals with high level international criminals and organisations such as the W.H.O.
INTERVIEWER: We at least wish people in South Africa, all the living people, may see a time when the problem with power is resolved so that they can live their life in their communities how they want. White communities, black communities, maybe mixed communities if that is their choice. It is a human right isn’t? It shouldn’t be enforced.
MELANI: Absolutely, Rights of association. We should have the right to associate freely with whomever we want, and to love whoever we want.
INTERVIEWER: Yeah, absolutely, there should be a human right if someone wants to live in a mono-cultural, mono-racial community that’s fine. Someone who doesn’t want to live in a mixed community it’s also fine. I think we need to do more proper research and share the information and then let people decide what is right for them, not submit to blanket policies. At the moment we can say just that people should be allowed to live where they want. And I wish South Africa people will find and create a place they want to live in, peaceful and friendly.
MELANI: I try to do what I can – sharing information and bringing awareness to the plight of the people in South Africa. We try to do this in an informative and eloquent way and without provoking hatred of either race, and it’s a tough one as you say. It’s very difficult to broach the subject without drawing comments such as “oh you know you’re a white apologist” or “you’re a racist” or some ignorant label that someone wants to throw at you so they know how to treat based on their own hereditary prejudice. The biggest challenge I have always faced in sharing this information is the socially engineered ignorance… and you’ll find as a journalist that is always your biggest challenge, you’re constantly buffeting up against a wall of ignorance. And it’s about finding articulate entry points to discuss these topics with people, and open it up for them because no one is really happy with how things are, and they are just getting worse, not better.
INTERVIEWER: Absolutely… Opening this subject would give people words to express themselves with respect to themselves and others and respect their own human rights and other people’s human rights and just allow enough space for everyone. There’s enough space for everyone.
MELANI: Yes for sure,
INTERVIEWER: And let’s try to find a common ground for this Union of Nations or something like that. It’s all possible. That’s an image that I have in my head. I believe we can make it happen
MELANI: I would be lovely and it is absolutely possible, it takes more effort to war with each other than to get along with each – that’s the honest truth. I know what I’d rather be putting my energy in.
QUOTE: It takes more effort to war with each other than to get along with each other – that’s the honest truth.
Mel Ve
INTERVIEWER: Cool so yeah let’s end on this positive note and thanks a lot for your time.
MELANI: Thank you it’s been great, I enjoyed it.
INTERVIEWER: Thanks a lot for your time and really honest and strong position and to hear you speak so articulately about the things so many people are afraid to discuss openly and honestly, so much so that you can’t even touch that subject with your friends’ colleagues.
MELANI: It is tough. Ignorance of the masses is our biggest enemy in these times. Thank you to for providing the platform for this message to be shared. More people need to take an interest in these matters, because ultimately, it does, and it will affect everybody.
INTERVIEWER: That’s great I really appreciate.
For more from Melani, check out her books and support her work